The Armed Forces Reserve Medal is awarded to United States Armed Forces Reserve component members (or former members) who complete (or have completed) a total of ten years service. This service need not be consecutive, if it was performed within a period of twelve consecutive years. For the purpose of this award service as a member of a Reserve component includes:
The United States National Guard.
The National Guard while in United States service.
The Federally recognized National Guard before 1933.
A Federally recognized status in the National Guard.
The Officers Reserve Corps and the Enlisted Reserve Corps before March 25, 1948.
The Organized Reserve Corps.
The United States Army without component (usually, all enlisted service before July of 1940 was with the Regular component and is not creditable. Conversely, service after July 1, 1940 was with the United States Army and is creditable for the award).
The Naval Reserve and the Naval Reserve Force, excluding members of the Fleet Reserve and the Fleet Naval Reserve transferred thereto after completing sixteen or more years active naval service.
The Marine Corps Reserve and the Marine Corps Reserve Forces excluding members of the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve transferred thereto after completing sixteen or more years service.
The Limited Service Marine Corps Reserve.
The Naval Militia who have conformed to the standards prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy.
The National Naval Volunteers.
The Air National Guard.
The Air Force Reserve. The United States Air Force without component (includes Reserve Officers serving on active duty).